Mere words cannot do justice to my love for Natalie Whipple. (Kind of ironic, huh?) In a blogosphere full of writers clamoring for attention, Natalie stands out for being completely open, honest, helpful, funny, insightful, and most of all, genuine.

(Trust me. After I discovered her, I went back and read every. single. post. in her archive of 2+ years. So I know.)

She also has great taste in anime, a zillion awesome book ideas, and enviable talent with a pen. And pencil! Yes, Natalie is an artist to boot, and she has graciously shared that talent with us today.

I want to give a big thanks to Natalie and all my wonderful guest bloggers! Readers, please remember to show them comment-love. When I get back, I’ll select the most thoughtful comment of the week, and winner/prize will be announced Monday.

Now, without further ado, Natalie’s guest post…

(Click to enlarge. No seriously: CLICK NOW!)

18 responses to “The (de)evolution of a writer”