You didn’t think there was more, did you? Well, when we docked in Tampa after the cruise, Andy decided he still hadn’t seen enough marine life. (Plus we had like 8 hours to kill before our flight home.) So where did we go? Why, to the aquarium of course!

Day 6 Tampa 060

Seriously, he cracks me up. He’s like a kid when it comes to this stuff.

Fortunately for him, I like it too. And the Tampa aquarium had this great, color-changing jellyfish display. (Jellyfish are among my favorite things to photograph!)

Day 6 Tampa 065 Day 6 Tampa 066
Day 6 Tampa 068 Day 6 Tampa 070

Okay, The End for real now!

Actually, I could do 1 more travel recap — this past weekend I went to Pittsburgh and had a great time seeing friends and family — but I think I’ve gone on long enough, don’t you? Plus, with all this travel, I’ve totally thrown my writing routine out the window. It’s time to get back on track, and my blog, though it contains plenty of words, does not count.

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