Can I be honest with you guys? Between a bunch of to-dos at work, the craziness of the holidays, and my lame attempts to get back into good reading/writing habits, I have been at a complete loss for what to blog. I don’t want to disappear, but I also don’t want to post just for the sake of posting. There’s enough on the web with or without my couple hundred words, you know?

So if it seems a little quieter around here (particularly on Fridays, which a few people already noticed…) that’s why.

Today I do have something to share, though.


Specifically, songs that get me amped up and dreaming about my future. Songs that fan the flames of my desire and motivation. Songs that I look forward to blasting from my car stereo a few years from now, when I’m driving to the premiere of my book’s film adaptation, my name is on bestseller lists around the world, and fans are clamoring for the next title.

(Hey, I said these songs made me dream, all right?)

Now, you might laugh, because some of these songs are majorly cheesy, and some of these songs are wannabe ghetto, but I already know that I have questionable taste in music. Just go with it.

In no particular order:

Note: I don’t necessarily listen to these songs while I’m writing. They just get me emotionally pumped up. Becoming an author (like most dreams/aspirations) is a marathon, not a sprint. This kind of music helps set the rhythm, reminds my feet to keep going one after the other at a steady pace, so that someday I will cross the finish line.

Do you have “pump me up” songs? Or something else besides music that gets you jazzed up for the long haul?

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