Back in 2007, when Andy and I went on our very first trip together, my mom said it would be a good test for us. That you learn a lot about your compatibility with someone when you travel with them.

Five years later, at a chic Italian bistro in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco, Andy says out of nowhere, “I think my favorite thing in the world is traveling with you.”

SF Alcatraz 020
 Classic San Fran icons.

SF Fisherman's Wharf and Mission District 046
I’m obsessed with jellies.

SF Fisherman's Wharf and Mission District 088
Typical SF houses in the Mission District. (I felt like I was in Lola and the Boy Next Door!)

SF Exploratorium 012

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 011

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 035
Andy realizing that 300-400 ft. trees are really, really tall.

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 038

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 074

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 089
I could not stop thinking about the boats commercial from HIMYM

SF Muir Woods and MOMA 095

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