Month: March 2012
Please note: My “Reading Reflections” are not reviews. They are simply my thoughts in response to certain passages. … A couple weeks ago, I finished the book HALF THE SKY by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. They’re the first husband-wife duo to win a Pulitzer for their work, and their goal was to shine light…
Wednesday. Thursday. I’m somewhere in between. “Five Questions About Writing” by Stephen A. Watkins 3. What are your writings to you? My writings are more than words on a page. They’re more than stories I tell to entertain myself and others. My writings are my still-beating heart. They are the blood in my veins. They…
For months I have been dying to be finished with my first draft. “Y’all are so lucky,” I said to my crit partners. “I would give anything to be editing right now.” Oh, Kristan. Be careful what you wish for. My original plan was to take a day off — yes, ONE DAY — and…
Last night Andy and I went to a trendy downtown neighborhood for dinner, and as we paid for parking, we were approached by a middle-aged man with a wiry gray beard and patchwork coat. His brown skin was creased with hardship, but his voice was clear and strong, his eyes bright in the light of…