Month: March 2012

  • One tree in the front yard, or two? Wood siding, or brick? Have I ever even set foot in the backyard? These questions roll through my mind during the drive to Dallas. It’s been over 10 years since I last visited my aunt’s house, but 4 short hours later, here we are. The front walk…

  • I think this is the longest I’ve gone without blogging in years… Completely unintentional, mind you! I have plenty to say, I just can’t seem to get around to saying it. Normally I think apology posts are pointless/silly — and maybe this still is — but I wanted to explain. 1) I was traveling last…

  • Please note: My “Reading Reflections” are not reviews. They are simply my thoughts in response to certain passages. … Truth be told, THE PARIS WIFE by Paula McLain is not the type of book I would have picked up on my own. A “biofic,” it might be called. But after seeing McLain at Books by the…

  • Back in 2007, when Andy and I went on our very first trip together, my mom said it would be a good test for us. That you learn a lot about your compatibility with someone when you travel with them. Five years later, at a chic Italian bistro in the North Beach neighborhood of San…

  • I hate you. My dog ought to hate you too, but he’s kind of dumb. Hence he eats your things. Hence he wakes me up at 4 AM. Hence we hurry half-asleep to the kitchen so he can vomit — a record 6 times. Hence I stay up another 2 hours worried that he’s going…