Bloggers Beware: You CAN Get Sued For Using Pics on Your Blog by Roni Loren

You are violating copyright if you have not gotten express PERMISSION from the copyright holder OR are using pics that are public domain, Creative Commons, etc. I didn’t know better and I had to learn the hard way. So I want to let you all know now so that you don’t have to be a cautionary tale as well.

Plus, beyond not wanting to be sued, most of you who are reading this are writers. Our livelihood depends on the rights to our work.

A Self-Made Man Looks At How He Made It by John Scalzi

I know what I have been given and what I have taken. I know to whom I owe. I know that what work I have done and what I have achieved doesn’t exist in a vacuum or outside of a larger context, or without the work and investment of other people, both within the immediate scope of my life and outside of it. I like the idea that I pay it forward, both with the people I can help personally and with those who will never know that some small portion of their own hopefully good fortune is made possible by me.

“Failing and Flying” by Jack Gilbert (via my friend Rose)

I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell,
but just coming to the end of his triumph.

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