
  1. The Links page no longer shows URLs, but rather people’s names and then their site/blog title. Even though I also shrunk the font, I think this is much more readable.
  2. Amazon decided to not let people put Kindle books in their aStores anymore (if you don’t know what an aStore is, don’t worry about it) so I had to create an Author page instead. Don’t get me wrong: I’m very excited about my shiny new Amazon Author page! BUT. It’s not as attractive or easy to manage as the aStore was. Supposedly they are still working to populate all my “books,” but for now the bibliography is unfortunately incomplete.
  3. The buttons at the top of this site (just under the masthead) have changed to reflect #2.
  4. “The Eraser” has sold a couple copies! I’m still not sure how to market it (9 yr old protagonist, not a happy ending, but not a sad/scary story either…) but I’m glad people are reading it.
  5. I want this woman’s life! Okay, maybe just her 3-BOOK DEAL WITH HARPERTEEN. But, you know, details.
  6. I’m not really kidding. I want a 3-book deal.
  7. I put up the next set of episodes of Twenty-Somewhere. This means I only have 1 more set left. This means I must write new episodes!
  8. Word Count – Aug 18, 2009:

    Or somewhere thereabouts. It’s late, and I’m too tired to type up what I wrote today. But I am getting better at estimating the word count from my handwritten pages. And I finished a journal! I LOVE the feeling of using up one journal and starting the next. My new one has a cute cream-colored puppy on the cover, with the words, “Knuddel mich…” We’re guessing that means “Cuddle me”? (And no, not all my journals look like they belong to a 12-year-old girl.)

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