• I decided to go ahead and offer the full 40 episodes of Twenty-Somewhere on Smashwords (which converts it into pretty much any format you could want for your computer, phone, or ereader) and I’m in the process of doing the same at Amazon. This makes it easier and cheaper for readers to get the whole story. (Considering my modest sales, and the major revisions ahead, I don’t think any agents or editors will care.)
  • BIG thanks to Sonja for adding her review to 20SW episodes 1-4 so they didn’t look so crummy with just a little 1-star rating. (I’ll have to comment on those reviews after the update so that people realize they were in response to an earlier version that only had the beginning episodes.) Sonja = awesome. ^_^
  • Progress on the 20SW proposals & sample pages is… progressing. My friend and fellow writer John suggested a structure for the opening chapter that I really like, and thus the writing is finally coming together! My self-imposed drop dead deadline to submit materials to The Major Publisher is July 19th — exactly 12 weeks after I got the request from them. I’ve been told that’s a normal/reasonable timeline.
  • In Colorado I started reading War Dances by Sherman Alexie, finished when I got back, and am now reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

Your turn: What’s going on with y’all? What have you been up to?

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