In keeping with my recent theme…

1. “Like the Video? I Wrote The Book” by Tim Kreider

I didn’t care for the opening, but the last 4 paragraphs really hit it home.

If you’re a writer, you hang all kinds of adolescent hopes on the release of your book: that it will prove you to be a serious person, retroactively validate all those years of what might’ve looked to uninformed observers like indolence and drink. Your enemies will gnash their teeth, your exes will all be sorry and at last the long-awaited literary groupies will flock. You’ll see someone on the subway reading your book, and your real life will finally begin. But now that that long-anticipated day is almost here, after all that work and longing and postponed reward, I find myself unexpectedly missing the hard part, the boring part, the long slog to get here.

2. “Make Good Art” by Neil Gaiman

You. Must. Watch this.

Highlights: finding your voice, the 3 rules of freelancing, making art for money vs. making art for yourself, inventing your own rules, pretending to be wise.

9 responses to “Writerly Wednesday”

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