Tag: sports
When people say they love Friday Night Lights, they generally mean the TV show. FNL, if you’re in the know. Dillon, Texas. Go Panthers. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. Since I tend to resist things that are hugely hyped, I avoided FNL for a long, long time. Finally, the dust settled — to the…
This is not usually a space for politics, but the Steubenville rape case has hit the YA community hard, and I have thoughts. (Note: I did blog about this previously, though not as directly as I’m about to.) When the verdict came down yesterday, I was not happy. I was not pleased. I did not feel…
There are many reasons I don’t watch the nightly news. All the violence saddens me. All the politics frustrate me. And all the misogyny pisses me off. (Instead I prefer to read headlines online, then click through to articles that interest me or offer some sort of enlightenment.) But recently, several appalling stories have broken…
Quick note: I’ve been published! My triptych of triptychs about the Galapagos (first seen right here on the blog) was accepted by Sugar Mule for their 41st issue. Yay! Please click to check out many great stories and poems about “women and place.” … So, it’s the Olympics. Unless you live in a cave (and maybe…
Regardless of Cesar Millan, the point of my previous post was that reflecting on Riley’s behavior has caused me to reflect on my own. I am becoming more aware of my body language, my attitude, my tone of voice. I still have a long way to go (as does Riley) but I think this heightened…